Is Zombie Apocalypse happen soon

                   Is Zombie Apocalypse happening soon 

No, a zombie apocalypse is not a realistic or scientifically plausible scenario. The idea of a zombie apocalypse comes from fictional works such as movies, television shows, and books. While it may be entertaining to imagine a world overrun by zombies, there is no scientific evidence to suggest that such an event could occur in reality.

Zombies, as portrayed in popular culture, are typically reanimated corpses that are driven by an insatiable hunger for human flesh. However, there is no known virus or pathogen that could cause humans to become reanimated after death or to crave human flesh. Moreover, even if such a pathogen were to exist, it is unlikely that it could spread quickly or widely enough to cause a global zombie apocalypse.

In summary, while the idea of a zombie apocalypse may be a popular trope in fiction, it is not a realistic or scientifically plausible scenario 

       Do Scientist discovered A zombie virus

  I can say that there are many different types of viruses that can cause disease in humans and other animals, and some viruses have been known to affect the behavior of their hosts.

For example, the rabies virus can cause aggression and other behavioral changes in infected animals, which has led to it being compared to a "zombie virus" in popular culture. However, even in the case of rabies, infected animals do not become reanimated after death or crave human flesh.

It is also worth noting that scientists are constantly discovering new viruses and studying their effects on the human body. However, the discovery of a virus that could cause a global zombie apocalypse is highly unlikely, and such a scenario is purely speculative and not based in scientific fact.


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